NTR - 8 hours ago -Follow thanks toimToken官网 jio for lower

看完这篇新闻,只会压榨客户,他们打着4G的幌子卖2G服务,我两个都用,成为印度第二大电信公司,Airtel和沃达丰多年来一直在压榨我们感谢Jio碾压了他们 Harsh Aggarwal - 6 hours ago -Follow Already the Jio network has started behaving like Airtel...buffering buffering bufferring. now i know the reason by reading this news article... Jio的网速开始变得像Airtel一样慢了。



Airtel、Idea、沃达丰(Vodafone)等电信垄断联盟试图压榨用户, Sanjoy Pandey - Kolkata - 7 hours ago -Follow During the period Jio has entered the telecom market Indian consumers have already saved crores of rupees in comparison to the charges of Vodafone。

印度消费者已经省了数十亿卢比, Puneet - 4 hours ago -Follow jio is better than both of them....i.e. in terms of price and in terms of quality 就价格和质量而言, Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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